Articles on: Home Phone + TV (QC only).
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Will my phone keep functioning even during an outage?

During an outage, your phone services will be interupted.

☝️oxio Home Phone service is no longer available for new subscriptions

2 options are available to you to avoid missing calls:

1. You may however buy a backup UPS-type battery to ensure functionality during an outage.

⚠️We cannot recommend a specific model. Keep in mind that the larger the battery capacity, the longer you can keep the service active. In the event of damage or limitations of coaxial wiring, certain situations may arise and service may still be interrupted.

What is a UPS-style battery?
An Uninteruptible Power Supply (UPS) battery is a device that provides power even during an outage, as it is independent of the power grid. This type of apparatus can be purchased in most large scale electronics stores.

Connect your router, your modem and your ATA to your UPS battery to avoid phone service interruptions.

Neither oxio nor its employees can be held accountable for (i) direct, indirect, accessory or special damages (e.g. false alarms or costs of communication with your alarm central) or (ii) any other damages incurred by the loss of access or data as in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.

2. We can program the phone service so that your calls are forwarded to another number after a specified number of rings, at no charge.

Contact our customer service team to enable this option

Updated on: 04/03/2024