How we use Multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect your account.
🛡️ Your privacy and security matter to us.
For account-related communications with Customer Care, we use Multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect your account and verify your identity.
What is Multi-factor authentication?
As explained by AWS: "Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a multi-step account login process that requires users to enter more information than just a password. For example, along with the password, users might be asked to enter a code sent to their email, answer a secret question, or scan a fingerprint. A second form of authentication can help prevent unauthorized account access if a system password has been compromised."
Aka - We send you a code via SMS or email to make sure you are really you.
What are the benefits of MFA?
Quick and convenient verification when chatting with Customer Care.
Ensure the only person making changes to your account is you.
Protects your user data and online interactions.
With our account verification policy using MFA, you can rest easy knowing your online interactions with oxio Customer Care are safe and your account protected from sneaky imposters, pesky doppelgangers, and evil twins.
If you’re interested in adding additional security to your home network, learn more about the benefits of adding eero Plus to your oxio plan here.
Updated on: 15/01/2025