How can I configure static IP addresses for my devices on your routers?
Follow this guide if you need specific network configuration help!
This procedure is meant for advanced users. Only use static IP addresses if you have a need for them. Do note that some troubleshooting solutions when it comes to connection problems require our agents reset your router which can reset all your static IPs.
Do note that this guide will explain how to assign static IP addresses only for your personal network (LAN). Oxio doesn’t support WAN static IPs.
First of all, make sure you have access to your router’s settings.
Here is a guide to get access!
The screenshots in this guide may be in a different language than what you have displayed on screen. In the text over the screenshots, we have included both French and English terms to help you find your way. Also note that the options are in the same order regardless of the language displayed on the screen.
For SR400ac and SR905acv routers:
Once inside your router, click on (1) Network / Réseau in the left sidebar;
In the submenu, click on (2) LAN Network / LAN;
In the submenu, click on (3) DHCP Server / Serveur DHCP;
On this new page, scroll down to DHCP Static Associations* and click the (4) + Add host / + Ajouter un hôte button :

If your device is already connected to your network, it will appear in the dropdown menu (refer to the following image):
Pick your device from the (5) Connected hosts dropdown menu. All information from (6), (7) and will automatically be filled;
At IP Address / Adresse IP, you can modify the address shown by giving any static IP Address you want to give to the device selected at the previous step;
Click on the (9) Save changes / Sauvegarder modifications button.
If your device isn’t connected or doesn’t appear in the dropdown menu :
Enter the name of your device in the (6) Device Name / Nom de l'appareil field. We suggest choosing a name that can be easily recognized;
Enter the MAC address of the device you wish to attribute a static IP address to into the (7) MAC Address / Adresse MAC field. The format should be xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx* (you must include the colons in between each two numbers);
Note that our agents cannot help you find the MAC address of your devices.
Enter the desired static IP address into the IP Address / Adresse IP field;
Click on the (9) Save changes / Sauvegarder modifications button:

Repeat each steps for every static IP you wish to assign.
For SR516ac and SR616ac routers:
Once inside your router, click on (1) Advanced Setup / Configuration Avancée in the left sidebar;
In the submenu, click on (2) LAN. If you have the SR616ac router or if nothing happens when you click on (2) LAN, you need to click on IPv4 Autoconfig who appeared right under (2) LAN;*
On this page, scroll down to the Static IP Lease List*, and click the (3) Add Entries / Ajouter des entrées button:

On this new page, input the (4) MAC address / Adresse MAC of the device you wish to attribute a static IP address to. The format should be xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx* (you must include the colons in between each two numbers);
Note that our agents cannot help you find the MAC address of your devices.
Input the static (5) IP Address / Adresse IP you wish to assign;
Click on the (6) Apply/Save / Appliquer/Sauvegarder button:

Repeat those steps for every static IP you wish to assign.
Updated on: 17/01/2025